Hello all,
Excited to tell you about my journey. I have passed the mid term evaluation. It has been an awesome journey. So I have almost completed the Lang activity, we can say it is sum of my first three activities altogether. I have started my fourth activity that is Programming Maze.
Getting Ideas from community
One task is to save the progress of learnt words permanently. There are various choices we have to implement it like through json or qml using ActivityBase. JohnnyJ(Johnny Jaziex) suggested me to ask it on mailing list. And it has given me an experience of how the community works. It is really nice to see people caring about each other’s work and see your work’s importance. Second task is to give an option to choose your favorite categories. It can be integrated with the main menu’s favorite menu or in the activity itself. I am working on them this week.
Program the Tux
My next activity is based on teaching the kids to program with an interactive game. The goal of activity is to Program the tux in such a way that it makes a path to reach the goal. There are instructions like moveForward, turnLeft, turnRight to be chosen from. And once you code and press OK, just wait and see the magic of your code.
I am doing the designing part of it and here is how it looks as of now,
![[Screen-shot Programming Maze]](/progMaze1.png)
And here is a pic from my cool GSoC diary,
![[400] [400] [initial level mazes]](/prototype1.jpg)
It will be an awesome activity. In the end i would like to mention the most important thing i learnt, creative work takes time so instead of hurrying into a solution we need to properly plan and see what are pros and cons of available options. I experienced it while i discussed about my last task in Lang. There is so much to learn from mentors and the real work which GSoC provides us an opportunity too.
My code in kde quickgit
Here are my branches in kde quickgit
Lang Activity
Program The Tux
See you soon with a completely amazing Programming Maze activity soon.