hello all!
Here are some updates. with great feedback from my mentors bruno coudoin and johnny jazeix, it has been possible to refine the activities to a very good state.
programming Maze activity
It has been an awesome learning experience to do this activity. You can choose instructions which you want to execute to move the tux, it processes them and highlights the current instruction being executed.
drag and drop instructions
You can drag and drop the chosen instructions in the grid view. It gives the user freedom to replace instruction or inserting between the already chosen instructions. Initially it was seeming hard task, but once our mentors give us a helping hand to start, things get going.
You can define procedures and call them from main code. switching between defining code and procedure was made easy. This was another awesome suggestion from Johnny jazeix. previously there were instructions like define P, call P, end P. Now we can click on the corresponding header and start editing that part(main or procedure).
screen shot
![[Screen-shot Programming Maze]](/progMaze3.png)
lang activity
Here is the summary of work on this activity.
saving the progress
During this time i The most important thing, the user feedback on how much we have learned. The progress is now stored. It was a nice experience to discuss in community and finally reach a decision after discussion with mentors.
You can mark your favorite categories of words and also the work for sorting activities on basis of favorites is done.
screen shot
![[Screen-shot lang menu]](/langMenu.png)